Boys of Summer

Boys of Summer

Just in time for sunny days and the 50th anniversary of the seminal Pet Sounds album, Vine Street at the Movies brings you The Beach Boys and Love and Mercy. Due to scheduling conflicts, please note that we are meeting on Tuesday, June 7 at 7 p.m.

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

Dr. Rachel Korazim will present "From Bystanders to Up-Standers," a community event in the Sanctuary of Vine Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Tuesday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. She is a freelance Jewish education consultant specializing in curriculum development for Israel and Holocaust education.

Strategic Plan to Debut at Board Meeting

The Official Board will meet Wednesday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for a special presentation. Inspired by our Future Story, which was approved by the congregation Feb. 28, the Vision Team will offer an initial 5-year strategic plan for the ministry of Vine Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

All Board meetings are open to Vine Street members and this one is no exception. If you are a member or a regular participant, then maybe you are curious about:

• Vine Street promoting its Disciples identity as a voice for equality and justice in Nashville;

• the Vine Street essentials: food, shelter, water; deep Christian spirituality and worship; authentic community;

• stewardship practices that respond to our call to ministry and balance our budget;

• our next steps toward property-related decisions as we improve our facilities at 4101 Harding Pike.

It’s an ambitious vision, born out of faithful prayer and conversation, and the strategic plan will help us to realize these dreams.

Vision Team members contributing to this conversation include Allyn Maxfield-Steele, Camille Biter, Amanda Miller, Ed Cole, Stephen Moseley, Jackie Halstead, Katie McLaughlin and Thomas Kleinert.

Our consultant is the Rev. Dr. Dick Hamm, a church consultant/coach from The Columbia Partnership. Dick is the former general minister and president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. He served, too, as the Disciples regional minister in Tennessee; he and his family have participated in the life of our congregation previously.

A general presentation to the congregation is forthcoming.