The Vine Street Christian Church Endowment

What is an Endowment?

An Endowment is a permanent fund which is invested for the long-term and managed for growth. The interest from the fund is used to support of the mission of the church, keeping the principal intact for future ministries. Gifts of life insurance, annuities, residual value of charitable trusts and other end-of-life gift instruments can be given to the fund as well as gifts of stocks, bonds, real estate or cash. Gifts will be converted to cash and invested. At Vine Street, there is a Board of Trustees which manages these invested funds and advises the Administrative Council of the church on recommendations to the congregation for use of annual distributions.

Why Should I Give to Vine Street?

The primary purpose of the Endowment of Vine Street Christian Church is to expand the witness of Jesus Christ in the world serving human needs in our community and around the world. The endowment provides an opportunity for people who have supported Vine Street to continue to support the church beyond their lifetimes through end of life gifts or bequests. The endowed funds are permanent funds where only the interest is used to support the work of the church.

Ways to Give

There are a variety of ways to contribute to the Vine Street Christian Church Endowment:

Bequests Under Will

  • In your will you can leave a bequest to the church endowment.

Insurance Policies

  • Life insurance policies designat- ing the church as primary or par- tial beneficiary are an excellent means of support.

Direct gifts of stocks, bonds and cash

  • Stocks, bonds and cash as well as real and personal property, may be given during your lifetime to the church to build an endow- ment fund.

When is the Right Time to Give

Now is the time to make plans for the legacy of your life. Faithful stewardship involves generous giving in a variety of ways, including planned lifetime giving and estate planning programs.

To determine what is best for you, talk with your professional tax or financial advisor.

To learn more about the Endowment, or to give a gift to the church, please fill out the form below: