Music — Vine Street Christian Church

Vine Street Music Ministry

The music program at Vine Street is a vital part of our ministry to the community. We are fortunate to have many accomplished instrumentalists and singers in our midst and a wide array of opportunities to share our musical gifts in worship and outreach presentations.  Music in worship is planned to involve choirs, individual musicians, and the congregation in praising God through hymns, anthems, and instrumental selections. If you have any questions about music at Vine Street, please get in touch with Katie McLaughlin, director of music ministries.

Chancel Choir – T.J. McLaughlin, director  

The Chancel Choir provides choral leadership for the 10 a.m. service most Sundays and for other special seasonal services. New singers are welcome at any Tuesday rehearsal.


Children's Choir - T.J. and Katie McLaughlin, directors

Children’s Choir at Vine Street is a unique and diverse experience.  We learn to love, experience and serve God through music.  In our rehearsals and worship offerings, we hope to grow spiritually, socially and musically! There is an emphasis on understanding musical elements (note reading, rhythm, meter, dynamics, articulation, expressing style, etc.), with a focus on learning to use the very personal instrument God gave to all of us: a voice. We also ring hand bells, beat drums, shake shakers, strum guitars, and play anything else we find in the cabinets. Peek in on a rehearsal and you may even see us dancing! Come join us!

Children’s Choir is for children in grades K-7.