An Update as Vine Street Moves Forward

Well, it is nearly fall and what a busy summer it has been.

Typically church life slows down as the temperature climbs, but this summer has been incredibly busy as we kick off our new programming year and have begun implementing our latest ministry plan.

As you recall, this past spring the congregation affirmed our future story, a guiding document for the next five years, which arose from the Prayer Triplets and work of the Vision Team last year. This was followed by an approval of a strategic plan to turn this story into a reality.

Following the approval of the strategic plan, the board appointed anImplementation Team to oversee the multi-faceted work of the strategic plan and work with task force groups as they are created. This detailed process, marked by faithful listening for God’s guidance, frames our forward-thinking mission as a church in Nashville and beyond. What follows is a summary of the latest work.

Promising Talks About Our Property

The Property Negotiations Task Force is in continued negotiations with M.B.A. about the possible sale of a portion of our property. We are working with a longtime, trusted Nashville attorney, Charles Reasor, to establish a contract outlining the details of this partial land sale.

Once the Property Negotiation Team feels satisfied that the best interests of Vine Street are being met by the agreement, it will be presented to the Official Board for review and recommendation. Once recommended, it goes before the entire congregation for a congregational vote. Only by congregational affirmation will we make such long-lasting decisions; only together will we walkforward into our future.

Digging In to Reach Out

The Neighborhood Study Task Force convened, met and has prepared a report that they will present to the Official Board in September. This research as to the composition of our immediate neighborhood and the needs of our community will serve as a backdrop for our continued conversations about the future of our church.

An Identity Task Force has formed and is doing detailed work on establishing a concrete, polished identity for our church. Again, this builds on our long history as well as the many voices about our future that came out of our triplet sessions last year. It is rooted firmly in our Future Story. They aim to have a report to share with the Board in the coming month.

Three other task force groups have formed as well: the Building Renewal Task Force, the Endowment Task Force and the Hospitality Task Force. Each will be working on their own specific task as a part of our strategic plan.

And following the work of the above  task force groups, these additional opportunities for involvement will begin: Fellowship of Twelve Task Force and the Financial Futures Task Force.

Flourishing Through Mission and Fellowship

Our future is promising, and the pulse of Vine Street today is strong. While the above groups are meeting and working and guiding us through our plan, the work of the Official Board continues through its many committees.

The Official Board met in early August for its annual orientation and we began to establish deeper relationships with one another while getting acquainted with the policies and procedures of our bylaws. The Board then had its first official meeting on August 24, 2016.

On Saturday, August 27, we held an all-church planning event to review plans for the fall and brainstorm new ideas. Some common themes that arose around how to plan are:

  • Be intentional and inviting
  • Be a connecting “bridge” within the Nashville community
  • Go deeper on issues like affordable housing

We hope to coordinate a joint service project with our M.B.A. neighbors in the coming months, for example.

As well, we continue to fellowship in ongoing small groups such a, Luke 14:12lunch servers, Serenity Circle, Sunday school and children’s choir. Additionally, there are four upcoming opportunities for Vine Street participants to get involved:

  1. September 24: The Big Fun Green Bean Drop
  2. October 22: Fun and Fellowship at the Vanderbilt Football Tailgate
  3. November 13: Harvest Luncheon at Vine Street
  4. Advent: Annual Advent Devotional Booklet

If you are interested in participating in the planning for any of the above, or would like to volunteer, please reach out to Associate Minister Greg Rumburg via email at

Vine Street is alive with the spirit — the Spirit we experience in word and songon Sunday mornings, the Spirit that erupts in laughter at a monthly Board meeting, the Spirit that shines with our young members as they sing in the choir, the Spirit that sits with our Elders as they visit members unable to attend worship, the Spirit that sits excitedly by our mens and womens groups as they forge deeper Christian connections each month — a Vine Street Spirit that is unmistakable and interminable!

- Stephen Moseley, Chair of Official Board