Vine Street Grant Helps Power RESET

On Tuesday of this week, September 10th,  Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell joined with AgeWell Middle Tennessee, the United Way of Greater Nashville, and other non-profit partners, in announcing the launch of a new financial empowerment collaborative offering personalized services designed with and for older adults in Davidson County.  The Mayor specifically cited  Vine Street’s  Community Ministry Grant of $44,000 to AgeWell, as the initial seed funding for the program.  Vine Street made this grant as a part of our community ministries grants program using our Hallie Warner “Needy Elderly Fund” as the source of the funds.  A copy of the Mayor’s press release, including the mention of Vine Street’s funding contribution, can be found at: Mayor Freddie O’Connell, AgeWell Middle Tennessee, United Way of Greater Nashville celebrate launch of RESET program - September 10, 2024

Known as the RESET program, “Raising Economic Security to Enjoy Thriving,”  the new program will offer financial empowerment counseling along with benefit enrollment assistance and referrals for supplemental income opportunities to older adults across Nashville.  The program was initiated and designed in response to frequent helpline calls and the Metro Social Services 2022 Community Needs Evaluation which found that due to the rising costs of food, housing, transportation and healthcare, more than half of older residents in Nashville are experiencing livable income poverty.  In early 2023,  AgeWell and the United Way convened a six-month planning process that included a series of focus groups with older adults and a coalition of government, non-profit, and faith community representatives.  It was this initial planning process that was funded by Vine Street’s grant.  Ed Cole and Kathy Zamata have been active Vine Street participants in the AgeWell process from the outset.  Ed has been a long-time AgeWell board member and Kathy is currently on the AgeWell Board.  A special relationship that Kathy has to this process flows from the fact that she was a “Stephen Minister” who called upon Hallie Warner in the final years of her life.  Seeing RESET emerge as a faithful expression of Hallie Warner’s wishes and Vine Street’s stewardship of her gift has been very meaningful!

On this Sunday morning, September 15th, Grace Smith, the Executive Director of AgeWell Middle Tennessee, will join us for worship and share more about RESET during our “Minute  For Mission.”   Join us in welcoming Grace and hearing more about RESET!