August Elders Report

The Board of Elders is continuing its work to support and enhance the many ministries of Vine Street.  The Elders, at its August meeting, discussed with Thomas and Margie ways in which the serving of communion at the table can reinforce the flow of our worship service and encourage all to focus on the meaning of our time together around the table.  There will also be an update to the process of notifying Elders about members of the congregation who are not able to be in worship and would like communion shared in their home.  The Elders are also updating the lists of “Elders Circles” for regularly staying in contact with members of the congregation.  At the September meeting, the Elders will review the observations and recommendations compiled by the Elders two years ago regarding “participation patterns” at Vine Street.  The outcome of this review will be shared with the Administrative Council and the congregation.  The Elders continue to share their joys and concerns with each other and invite members of the congregation to share these as well!

Members of the Board of Elders this church year are:

Larry Adams, Linda Brandau, Julia Callaway, Ed Cole, Pat Cole, Rachel Dixon, Erica Hayden, Roger Young, Jim Zamata, Kathy Zamata

Feel free to reach out to any of the Elders if you have questions about the life of our Vine Street congregation or if you know of a particular instance where Elders or our ministers can reach out in support of an individual or a family.

– Ed Cole,  Chair, Vine Street Board of Elders