Plastic-free cards are awesome
During the last Room In The Inn season we passed out more than 140 fast food gift cards to our guests - almost all of them donated by congregants. Thank you! We started the season with a selection of restaurants and card values, and we discovered that McDonald’s was by far the favorite: for most of our guests it was simply the most accessible.
We are planning a sock and underwear drive for the end of the summer, but several congregants suggested that we collect $10 McDonald’s gift cards year-round - you could, e.g., budget one $10 lunch a month, and that would add up to a nice stack of cards by November, when the Room In The Inn season begins. So, we’re starting our lunch extravaganza now, and we thank you for your generous support!
You may buy $10 McDonald’s gift cards at any of their restaurants, or you can go plastic-free by purchasing four paper cards (Kroger on Hwy 100 in Bellevue sells them). Simply drop them in the offering plate on Sunday or give them to Katie or Thomas. If you prefer, you may also write a check, memo: RITI lunch, and we’ll purchase the cards. Whichever option you choose - we are grateful, and so are our guests!