As a congregation, we are committed to sharing our building with our neighbors. We look at it as God’s house, entrusted to our care and stewardship. Many groups meet at Vine Street on a regular basis, and we celebrate this dimension of our ministry:
Nouvelle Alliance Christian Church: a Disciples congregation with roots in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
All Saints Church of Christ: a weekly gathering of members of Churches of Christ who want to explore liturgical forms of worship;
Insight Counseling Centers: we’re proud to be one of several locations in Middle Tennessee, where Insight therapists provide excellent mental health care for clients of all income levels. Room 4 in the education wing is dedicated for their use;
Moms at prayer: Four groups of mothers meet to pray for the students and teachers of Montgomery Bell Academy;
MBA Bible Study: a group of MBA students meet weekly before school;
AA groups: three AA groups and a Double Winners group meet weekly;
Brass Band of Nashville: the band uses our building for weekly rehearsals and several concerts each year;
Penuel Ridge Retreat Center: the board of directors enjoys meeting monthly in the chapel.
These are the groups that use our building weekly or monthly. In addition, there are other groups and non-profits, e.g. Senior Ride Nashville, who have met here for board retreats and other events. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide this service to our community!