Disciples - Who We Are & What Holds Us Together

Join Thomas for a book group


The conversation about who we are as disciples and Disciples, and who we are to be, is never finished. We engage in it all the time - we tell a co-worker what we love about the Disciples tradition of the church (or what frustrates us - and sometimes that’s the same thing) ; or we ask a friend to help us sort through Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness or how faith sustains their hope. Such conversations are part of the one ongoing conversation that helps us clarify our personal, theological affirmations, and allows us to work through layers of Disciples history and identity so we can inhabit and embody this tradition with more intentionality.

Michael Kinnamon and Jan Linn, both retired seminary and university professors who grew up Disciples, wrote a short book that’s just right for small group discussion, to invite fellow Disciples  to examine and reclaim our unique gifts to the renewal and witness of God’s church. In nine chapters, each only 10-14 pages long, they explore several Christian themes and practices that hold particular significance for Disciples: Unity, Mission, The Lord’s Table, Covenant, Baptism, etc. 

You’re invited to join Thomas Kleinert for a 9-week book group via Zoom on Monday evenings, 6 -7 p.m., or Tuesday mornings, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., starting on September 28 and 29. The book is available for purchase wherever books are sold, but the first seven to register will receive a free copy.