Elders - A Vine Street study

Human leadership has taken many different forms throughout history, and “the elders” are among the very few that have been part of the record consistently for thousands of years. In the Bible, a long arc stretches from the well-known burning bush scene, where God tells Moses, “Go and assemble the elders of Israel…” (Exodus 3:16), to the last book, Revelation, where twenty-four elders are repeatedly part of the seer’s vision (Revelation 4:4; 19:4; etc.).

Linda Brandau, Vine Street’s Chair of Elders for the past two years, has identified a redefinition of “eldership” and “spiritual leadership” as central to how we practice congregational leadership and governance, now and in the future. She asked Thomas Kleinert to plan a study, and now invites the Elders (currently serving or not) of Vine Street Christian Church along with all congregants, to a brief summer study series via Zoom.

Each session will include lecture and conversation, and last 60-90 minutes. To participate in any or all of the sessions, please register online so we can share the Zoom meeting information with you. 

Elders study schedule.png