Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual event in response to Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (John 17:21). Traditionally the week of prayer is celebrated between January 18-25, between the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul. Coordinated by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches, congregations and parishes all over the world arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. The theme for the week of prayer in 2019, “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue ...” is inspired by Deuteronomy 16:18-20. The resources for the week have been prepared by members of different churches in Indonesia.

In Nashville, the service will be held on Tuesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m., at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3900 West End Avenue. Come and join us!