Welcoming our new minister

On Sunday, please join us after worship in Fellowship Hall for an informal meet & greet with Rev. Allison Ruari, our new Associate Minister. Today is Allison’s first day with us, and it will take a few days until she and her husband, Jared, have completed their move to Nashville. We will have a welcome reception in January, when we are planning her installation service to introduce her to the community at large and especially to neighboring congregations. On Sunday, let’s give her a warm welcome and share her favorite snack with her, hummus, veggies and pita chips!

Together in Gratitude | Together in Song

On Sunday, November 18th, in celebration of Thanksgiving, the Temple (5015 Harding Pike) will host a concert with choirs, groups, and soloists from various Nashville congregations. We are thrilled that our Chancel Choir will again participate in this musical celebration of unity and diversity! The evening begins with a reception at 7 p.m., followed by the concert at 7:30 p.m. We hope you will join us for this lovely Thanksgiving tradition!

Warm food on a cold day

Luke 14:12 serves Nashville’s hungry, homeless and working poor. On Monday, November 26, you can join other Vine Street folks to help this ministry serve lunch from 11:15 a.m. until 1 p.m. at 705 Drexel Street (the Room in the Inn campus). No experience needed. Contact Jeff Miller to volunteer (jeff.miller@img.com; 615-268-5195).

Movers & Thinkers

This is a great opportunity to hear a great teacher AND to witness the recording of one of WPLN's great podcasts:

Amy-Jill Levine has spent her life trying to understand how two religions have diverged from the same source, took different interpretations of similar texts and collided repeatedly throughout history.

As a Vanderbilt Divinity School professor, Levine is considered an expert on New Testament scholarship and frequently speaks to churches and clergy. She’s even spending a few months teaching in the Vatican next year. But unlike most New Testament scholars, Levine is Jewish. Her lessons are sprinkled with Yiddish phrases; she attends an Orthodox synagogue in Nashville.
What has her unique perspective on religion taught her about faith and truth? How can modern Jews and Christians understand each other? And what's the best way to converse about a topic that’s caused strife for thousands of years?

Join fellow Nashvillians for this provocative discussion hosted by WPLN’s Emily Siner as part of their Movers & Thinkers series.

When: Thursday, Nov. 29, at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Recording lasts until 7:00 p.m.

Where: Nashville Public Radio's Studio C, 630 Mainstream Dr., Nashville

How to attend: RSVP via Facebook for this free event. Space is limited.