Calling all Nashvillians! Vine Street Christian Church is organizing We Are Nashville - Bucket Brigade to help our neighbors who have been affected by the recent storms and floods. We know what it's like to clean up and rebuild after a flood - and we know the power of coming together to tackle a challenge!
We want to fill a truck with Emergency Clean-Up Buckets, which Church World Service collects and distributes in their disaster relief work. The Nashville buckets will be taken to a disaster assistance center in Little Rock, Arkansas, and from there they will be routed to the effected areas and to those in need.
You might be wondering...
What exactly is an Emergency Clean-up Bucket?
It's a 5 gal. bucket filled with items such as sponges, rubber gloves, disinfectant spray, laundry detergent and insect repellent. You can find a list of all the items at the Church World Service website or scroll down and print the list below.
What can I do to help?Photo: Rolanda Hughes/CWS
1. Send a link to this article to at least 10 people you know in Nashville... co-workers, the neighborhood association, the parent-teacher association, etc. We want to get the word out to as many people as possible; the more buckets we collect, the more people we can help.
2. Decide how you will fill your bucket.
*will you go to the store, list in hand, and fill a 5-gal. bucket with all the items?
*will you send a check for $56, the approximate cost of each bucket, and let us fill it for you?
*will you challenge your co-workers to a bucket filling contest?
*will you host a bucket party?
*or will you send a $5 or $10 or any $ donation so that we can purchase items to fill a bucket?
Any way you decide will be a great help!
3. Fill that bucket (or 2 or 3) and bring it in. Bring completed buckets or monetary bucket donations to Vine Street Christian Church on June 6th, 7th or 8th from 9am-7pm. We will sort, count and assemble buckets. Then we'll rent a truck and drive them down to Little Rock on June 10th.
Questions? Send us an email.
We are Nashville - Let's fill some buckets!