Advent Begins

Advent means coming, and it summons us to turn to God with trust and joyful expectation, even as we enter the long darkness of winter.

We may still be wondering what to do with the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, we may be busy writing Christmas lists and shopping for gifts, and we may have a million other things on our minds, but in worship we practice living to the rhythm of God’s time.

At Vine Street, we have a beautiful tradition to mark the beginning of Advent. At the end of the day, we gather in the sanctuary for what we call the Hanging of the Greens.

We sing some of our favorite carols (before we get tired of hearing them in every store and shop); we listen to stories about bells and stars and evergreens; we deck the sanctuary with wreaths and candles; we watch the great Moravian star as it rises over the baptistery; we say a prayer that our hearts may be prepared to welcome the birth of Christ; and we drink a little hot cider.

This festive and beautifully simple service invites us to enter the gates of Advent together, and we look forward to doing just that on Wednesday, November 30, at 6:30pm. You are welcome to join us for dinner at 6pm as well, just let us know you’re coming by making a reservation online or calling the church office by Monday, November 28. No one is too young or too old for this family gathering in God’s house.