We continue to lift up our Nashville neighbors as our community comes together to clean up and rebuild after the storm. We are indeed #NashvilleStrong, and our communities of faith are essential to maintaining that strong fabric. Larry Adams wrote, “Well, I must say I have a MUCH greater appreciation for Jesus' words in Mark 13:18. If all this had happened in the dead of a cold winter with snow and rain every day it would have been much worse. I still do not have electricity or heat, but friends have loaned me a small generator to give me limited power. The volunteers have been fantastic. Almost all of the downed vegetation and tornado debris has been hauled to the curb and already picked up by Public Works trucks. What has happened here should be a pattern of efficiency for the rest of the country. We should offer prayers of thanksgiving to God for sending the help of all these people.”
Bess Henderson is undergoing a few more days of rehab at Stallworth, and she is looking forward to going home later this week. Her address is 110 Christopher Place, Nashville, TN 37205.
We lift up in prayer Debra Cannon’s mother who is hospitalized after a stroke; she is also suffering from pneumonia. Debra is in Chattanooga to be with her mother.
And we welcome to the world Josephine Elizabeth Shuler Petersen who was born on Satursday in Seattle. We share in the joy of her parents, Kennedy Shuler Petersen and Joel Petersen, and grandparents, Linda Parker and John Shuler.