Monday update

Walter Seifert was 2013 recipient of the "Andrew Jackson Medal" awarded for "notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, Humanity and Country".  The medal was presented during the 199th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Tennessee, which has 330 subordinate Lodges with total membership of forty two thousand .  Walter has been a Mason for fifty five years and has served as Grand Historian since 2008. Congratulations, Walter! 

Bob Faires, the father of our former intern, Diane Faires, had knee replacecment surgery in Nashville on August 23. Everything went well and went back home to Clarksville on Sunday!

Steve Reed’s grandmother, Gladys Heier (sp?) is 99 years old, and her strength is declining. The family asks for our prayers for her and her daughter, Madeline, Steve’s mother, who is taking care of her.

We continue to remember the peoples of Syria and Egypt in our prayers, and ask for God's guidance and wisdom for all who make decisions about their future.