Barry and Lynne have worshiped with us for a few weeks, and they have been attending Nouvelle Alliance's services to prepare for an extended mission to the Congo next year.
We just received word that Barry's brother and his family were among the victims of the September 16 plane crash at the Reno Air Races. Barry's sister-in-law was killed instantly by the impact. Barry's brother, his two sons, and one of their wives all had amputations of their right lower legs and are hospitalized in Reno. They are receiving excellent care from all levels of the staff here and their spirits and attitudes are good considering the situation. They are still having to undergo numerous surgeries as part of the process of cleaning out all the metal and debris that has been causing infections.
We are grateful that Barry and Lynne were able to be with their family and look forward to welcoming them back to Vine Street on Sunday.