Monday Update

Pam Reese, a co-worker of Larry Adams, is undergoing more tests this week for a growth in her breast.

Dot Cunningham is recuperating from valve replacement surgery. Dot is a former member of Vine Street, and she still has many friends among our members.

Sarahann Callaway asks for prayers for 18-month old Paige, the daughter of a fellow-student. She is hospitalized.

Glen Barnes is recuperating at home from hip replacement surgery. He will begin physical therapy today.

Pat Foster's brother, Richard, is again recovering from a fall.  He had just returned home from assisted living where he had spent the past couple of months recovering from previous falls and injuries and waiting for his home to be rebuilt after the flood.

Jim Foglesong is recuperating at home after a recent fall.

Janis Wootten's mother, Monica Moulton, is in rehab at West Meade Place after breaking her pelvis recently; she is looking forward to returning to Park Manor soon.