Pat Bentrup asks for prayers for her friend, Martha Horst, who is ill.
Ruth Skinner is scheduled for surgery on Thursday, March 4 at noon.
Chris Williams, stepmother of Molly Goidel, has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer (Molly is Jane and Bob Goidel's daughter-in-law)
We remember the people of Chile, their leaders, our church partners, and international rescue workers dealing with many losses and the hard work of recovery after the February 27 earthquake
Congratulations to Stephen Tallent! He was named one of Nashville's 2010 Entrepreneurs of the Year by The City Paper.
Jim Foglesong had a pacemaker implanted on Friday, February 26. He was discharged on Saturday morning
Steve Lowry was discharged on February 28, and is now receiving physical therapy. He loves getting emails and cards, and will soon be ready for visitors as well.
3503 Woodmont Lane
Nashville TN 37215
See the complete list of our prayer concerns
(this page is easily accessible via - just click the tab "prayers")