One very dark night, by Roger Young
My submission is about sharing the earth with each other.
My grandfather was a Disciples of Christ minister in Kentucky at the turn of the last century. He preached at both rural and urban churches. He had many experiences which his family and friends have cherished through the years.
The following incident occurred sometime between 1914 and 1918. He was conducting a series of meetings in a small rural church. The roads in the area were extremely poor and it was necessary for him to ride a horse to get to the church. His horse was a large and beautiful animal named Charlie.
One very dark night, when the church service was over and he had finished visiting with those who had attended, he mounted his horse and started home. There was a stretch of road that was very rough and rugged. When he reached that section, he dismounted and led his horse, being fearful that Charlie would stumble and fall. In due time he remounted and continued his journey safely home.
My grandfather had concern and compassion for all people, and he often visited the jails, homes for the elderly, orphanages and schools. A few days later he visited people in the local jail. He walked from cell to cell, visiting and having prayer with the men. When he came to the last cell, the man there said, “I know you. You are H. C. Bell, the preacher who was holding a meeting in our village a few days ago”. My grandfather replied, “Yes, that is right”. The man in the cell continued, “Do you remember leading your horse part of the way home one night after church?” My grandfather answered, “Yes, the road was very rough there”. Then the man said, “I was following you and I meant to rob you but when I saw the other man walking beside you, I decided not to do it”. My grandfather said, “I surely am glad that you decide not to do that” and with a smile he walked out of the jail to his home.
We have always believed that the Holy Spirit walked with our grandfather that very dark night and protected him. Our grandfather believed that as well.
God is with us and protects us even when we are not aware of God’s presence.