An hour of your summer

Will you spend an hour of your summer with me? We can go for a walk together. We can meet for a cup of coffee or a beer. We can go paddling (yes we can, I have a second kayak for you). We can meet for lunch. You can invite me to your place of work.


Our hour together could be early in the morning, anytime during the day, or later, after you’ve finished dinner with the family.

I would love to spend an hour this summer with everyone who calls Vine Street home. I don’t have an agenda; I just want to know how you are doing. You can take our conversation anywhere you would like it to go. We are moving through a lot of change at Vine Street, not to mention the nation and the world. How’s your soul? How’s your faith?

Please call or text me at 615-714-9718 or send an email to so we can make plans together. You can also schedule our appointment via this calendar. Thank you!