Thank You

Saying thank you is a beautiful thing, and I try to do it here on behalf of all Vine Streeters and all who worshiped with us during Holy Week. I want to do it very much, because my heart is full of gratitude. I also dread it a little, because my awareness and memory are limited. I invite you to add your thanks in the comments, especially for those whose names and contributions I failed to mention.

Thank you, John Fleming, for the cross we followed from the sanctuary to the place outside on Palm Sunday, and thank you, Michael Ligon and John Marshall, for carrying it.

Thank you, Kathy Berhow and the worship committee, for preparing a place for us, Sunday after Sunday, and especially during Holy Week and on Easter.

Thank you, Linda Edwards, for the many moments with our children filled with love, wisdom, and joy.

Thank you, CROP Walkers, for walking and for raising awareness and much-needed money for the fight against hunger.

Thank you, Andra Moran, for keeping our sign updated, and thank you all, who assemble the letters for those messages.

Thank you, youth group and Hope Hodnett and your band of helpers, for a beautiful Maunday Thursday service.

Thank you all, who gave flowers, palms, and lilies.

Thank you KK Wiseman, our Elders, and all who participated in the Good Friday Way of the Cross.

Thank you, Jim Carls, for filling the baptistry with water, water, water, and keeping it at just the right temperature.

Thank you, Alex "Rico" Carls, Reagan Freeman, Miles Kleinert, Carson Lovell, and Julia Matthews, Emily and Elizabeth Crenshaw, Brian Berhow, Julia Keith, Greg Rumburg, Kevin Clark, and Hope Hodnett for a meaningful, fun, and adventurous baptism retreat.

Thank you, Julia Callaway, Sarah "Pickles" Steeves, Andra Moran and Stephen King, Ally Faenza, Children's Choir, TJ McLaughlin, Chancel Choir, and guest musicians for the music, music, music.

Thank you, Tallu Schuyler, for pictures that speak and sing like Isaiah.

Thank you, KK Wiseman, for getting up early and watch for the dawn, and Joe Keith for keeping the fire.

Thank you, Elders and Deacons, for leading well by serving well.

Thank you all, whose presence and voices fill the sanctuary with glory and praise.

Thank you, Ted Parks and Stephen King, for taking pictures and sharing them generously.

Thank you, youth group and your many helpers, for preparing and serving a sweet and fluffy breakfast, and for washing our dishes, and thank you, Hope Hodnett, Kennedy Shuler and Bruce Oulsen for cleaning up when the rest of us were at lunch.

Thank you, Holy One, for using us to fashion your Easter people.