2 Peter 3:8-15a
"How to Wait for the End of the World (and God's New Beginning)"
On my first reading of this text, Ch. 3, Vs 7 leapt out at me.... that our present heavens and earth have been reserved for Fire on the last day. I thought of the destruction and loss of life in Paradise, California, and the huge sections of fires presently burning on nearly all the earth's continents. Then the writer described the scoffers in the last days, who deliberately ignored that by the Word of God, the world of Noah's time was deluged with water and all perished.
Is this scripture telling us that the global warming events we are experiencing the beginning of the End times that the Biblical texts warned us about eons ago? Yikes!
But then the writer began teaching us in his next paragraph...God's sense of time is so different from ours, God has been patient with us, giving us time to wake up, and repent, before the last days. Yes, our heavens and earth will pass away, dissolved in fire, but because of God's promise to us of a new heaven and a new earth, We have hope that we will be saved somehow, that we must patiently wait as well, striving to continue to follow God's path, and understand that God's patience with time is actually our salvation. The writer says we are forewarned by all these signs, and exhorts us to continue to work to follow the way, growing in grace,.... even as our earth's times, "they are a-changin" .
~ Marjorie Taggert