Luke 3:7-18
Do, not only for yourself, but for others as well. John speaks to the people telling them there is more to life than just hoping to have your sins washed away through baptism. People must live a life that isn’t only self-serving but also serves others. In 2019, we have more ways than ever to tell others about ourselves, buy things for ourselves, promote ourselves, all at the click of a button. Sometimes we get lost in wanting to display our accomplishments to our closest friends and family or ask others for help when we are in need. But what do we do for others with this platform? It is also easier than ever to ask for help for others, donate your time or money, and give back to our communities. While we may not be literally giving the shirt off our backs to our neighbors in need, modern technology can send gallons of water to a town in crisis, donate pre-made meals to families who are hungry and fund animal rescues with the click of a button. To truly live a life that is full and worth living, we must not only worry about ourselves but continue to live a life of service and give to our neighbors.
~ Catie Branson