Today in Sunday school we talked about Micah being a prophet who foretold the birth of Jesus. We also talked about how it was amazing it was that 700 years before Jesus was born Micah predicted what would happen and where. I really like this part where he says “he will surely become great throughout the earth; he will become one of peace.” Micah’s words are needed today as much as they were needed in his time and the times of Jesus.
-Roman Dixon
Other fun facts from of our class discussion:
Micah was born in Judah; we have a Judah in our class.
Micah = “Who is like the Lord”
Micah is also a famous musician at Vine Street
All the kids in class know someone named Micah outside of church
The Book of Matthew references Micah’s prophesy
Jesus came to guide us like a shepherd guides his sheep
Questions that arose:
Why was Micah chosen by God to be a prophet?
How did he receive this knowledge from God?
Why was Micah labeled as a minor prophet rather than a major prophet?
- 4th - 6th grade Sunday School Class