There is too much noise, too many voices, too much news, too many political ads, and uncharacteristically too many books I am trying to read at the same time. This is not how one should be living.
Being given an opportunity to read, re-read, and let the words of Isaiah resonate with me is what my soul needed this Autumn week. I have tried living with these words for about a week to see how I was understanding them. The last line in this scripture is “O, house of Jacob come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” This statement has my attention, and I think about the idea of deep, slow breathing to allow myself to focus. I turn off the radio, close the book, and walk outside breathing deeply.
To “walk in the light of the Lord” I realize helps prepare me for opportunities to worship God. Focus on God and all of God’s creation while slowly reading scripture and getting closer to others in worship. Worship ends with moments of song and a lifting of the burdens of noise, news, to-do lists and fears.
Let us worship together during Advent and join one another “walking in the light of the Lord”.
- Carol Doidge