You raise your arms up high in the air, hand in hand with another member of Vine Street.

...Christ is Lord INDEED! Amen.

Can you hear one of Micah’s beautiful piano postludes playing in your head? Sunday Service has concluded but the work inside the walls of Vine Street Christian Church is just beginning

Dear Vine Street Disciples, 

Two years after we returned to worship together and a year after major renovations were completed, we’re reflecting on how our space and the relationships that form within it facilitate the work we’ve been called to do as disciples of Christ. The tagline for this year’s campaign is Abide in Me as I Abide In You from John 15:4. The full verse reads “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” We cannot bear fruit unless we remain connected. 

A lot of those connections happen in this building. 

Did you know that our building provides space for…

  • our congregation to share a meal and continue our inner spiritual work each Sunday

  • a warm meal and place to rest for our Room In The Inn guests. 

  • beautiful music to enter the world via the Brass Band of Nashville

  • women who are bravely working the twelve steps

  • one of the most profound days in countless couples’ lives

  • our youth to grow spiritually and expand their perspective on the world and confidence in their ability to change it

  • continued education about the history of Nashville and the restorative justice being pursued by groups like We Remember Nashville

But our church is also more than brick and mortar. It is made up of people and time and talents and volunteers and a spirit of giving that is central to our faith and our tradition. That spirit flows outward, breaking through our property lines and into the lifelines that hold our community together.

Did you know that your contributions have provided resources for…

  • crisis foster care for pets when their people who have lost housing, are in the hospital or are leaving domestic violence  situations

  • a community room at Lindsley Avenue Church of Christ that hands out hot meals, bus passes and basic necessities to those in need

  • re-entry support and transitional programs for people wrongly convicted in Tennessee via the Tennessee Innocence Project

  • events to help children impacted by incarceration by giving them gifts of encouragement, relationships and community

  • The Martha O’Bryan Center to continue their fight against poverty and hunger at all age levels

Will you join us in the transformative work Vine Street is doing inside and out? 

Today we’re inviting you to make your pledge. Prayerfully consider how you can contribute monetarily and with your time and talents. You can learn more about the work detailed above on our YouTube page over the coming weeks.

Thank you for being part of the Vine Street Community,

Doug Branson
Stewardship Campaign Chair